Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Falling All Around

I love the fall season. Even though summer doesn't really end until the end of October here, I still notice subtle hints that autumn is upon us. True, it's still hot and sticky. But the days become darker earlier, the leaves turn their beautiful red, gold, and orange colors, and the heat is a little more bearable with the air a little more crisp. I found THIS (go to Sept. 15 post) really cute pumpkin craft and wish I had a sewing machine to make them. If any of you would like to make them with me, just let me know I think they're absolutely darling!

Lance and I went grocery shopping last night and had to buy a sack full of the tiny little pumpkins that come 5 for $3. Yeah, way expensive compared to how many we could have grown ourselves but due to being in a townhouse, we splurged. I'm way excited to go home and get all of my fall decor out of storage and decorate the house. Alright, so I only have enough fall decor for one shelf (I've got to start somewhere don't I)?

I love the look of the leaves turning colors. All the richness and color just adds so much tranquility to the air. I love to drive through subdivisions and see huge piles of leaves raked up in the yards. Dads throwing the kids into the piles and kids throwing the dogs into the piles while moms lovingly watch from the living room window. I love to see the leaves delicately fall from their lively limbs and hear the crunching under my feet.

I love the smell of freshly home made pecan and pumpkin pie - the cinnamon, nutmeg, and cream all mixed together......mmmmm!
I love the feel of warmth. I love to be wrapped up in thick, soft sweaters sipping a cup of hot cocoa in hand. There's something so comforting about the fall and winter seasons. Perhaps it's the relief of cooler temperatures. Perhaps it's the preparation of being indoors for the following months. Perhaps its the anxiety of the holidays where family and friends gather with yummy food. Whatever the reason, I love it!

1 comment:

(me)linda said...

Amen sista! I start getting giddy this time of year. Love it.