Thursday, October 25, 2012

Journaling, Sort Of

  • Very little time the past few weeks to blog. Lots of doctors appointments for me. Nobody can figure out what's wrong. All the blood and urine tests have been normal/negative for anything out of the ordinary. I finally broke down about it Sunday night and Lance gave me a blessing. I don't know what I would do without this gospel and the priesthood.
  • Kimball's birthday is tomorrow!!!! WHAT?????? His top two teeth are cutting through so he's been in a lot of pain, poor guy.
  • Lance has been in Las Vegas the last three days for work so I've been a single mother. But we managed and Lance had a great time, especially escaping this 40 degree cold weather.
Lots to blog about but so little time......maybe I'll catch up next week or the week after.


Laura said...

It is so frustrating trying to pin down a medical problem when you know things are not right but everything keeps coming back normal. :( Thinking of you, hoping things get better (either with an answer or the magical disappearing of symptoms) very soon!

Tawni Williams said...

Oh I'm so sad that they haven't been able to figure out what's going on.. BOO.. Wonderful to have the priesthood around isn't it? Hope you get feeling well SOON