Monday, December 23, 2013

First Day At Church

This is the darn cutest dress, and the only one in her size right now. I love the tights that have the booties on them, no need for shoes! (I need to figure out where I can get several since these came with the outfit). And the headband was definitely too small, it was cutting off her circulation so we went to church without it but I had to keep it on for a picture.  :)

Our ward starts at 1:30 and it took me ALL morning to get the three of us ready. By the time I fed Cora, fed Kimball and myself breakfast, bathed both kids, put Kimball down for a cat nap, got myself ready, fed Cora again, got Kimball dressed, and all of us in the car.....that took all morning. And all of my energy. But it was worth it. The RS lesson was amazing, it was awesome to see my friends again, the Christmas sacrament meeting was great including a few solos from Lance, Kimball and I desperately needed out of the house, and I desperately miss church. I don't think I'll do as well in January when church starts at 8:30.

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