Thursday, January 23, 2014

Our Visit Home Cont...

I was mostly anxious about seeing Christine and her new little bundle! It was GREAT getting to spend time with her and I'm so glad we had babies at the same time, it makes it that much more fun. I also got to spend time with the sisters, help throw a baby shower for Heather, bless Cora, hung out with Lance's siblings who came to town (thank you!), goofed off with Christine including making some keepsake jewelry, got the kids' pictures taken by Heidi, and also received help with the kids which was a wonderful break. Lance had lunch and caught up with Trent, met with Mitch Bausman, had a few nights singing barbershop with the T-tones and an impromptu quartet, hung out with his family, took Kimball four wheeling, etc. etc. etc.


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