Friday, August 23, 2013

Pip Squeaker

We finally got internet at our house! It seems completely lame to admit this but I am going to anyway - living without the internet isn't very fun. I checked facebook occasionally on my phone but that's it, I didn't want to have overage charges on my phone bill. And since the internet is the only way I can stay connected with friends and family right now, I miss the internet and didn't think I'd survive the week without it. The end of that ridiculous confession.

I will be updating the blog soon ish. I have no idea when soon ish is going to be. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be a month from now. I know I'm WAY behind in journaling a lot of things that I need to document but I'm also sick of living out of boxes and having my house in chaos. I can't live like that so I need to finish unpacking/organizing the house first.

Before I forget, I want to write a few things that Kimball has been saying. I LOVE THIS STAGE!!! It's SO much fun to see all the new things that he discovers and figures out everyday. He's learning more words and phrases all the time and it's so heavenly to actually communicate with him instead of guessing what he wants or needs.
  • New words: out, more, eat, cheese, hello, bye, owie, snack, moon,
  • New phrases: beep beep!, here we go, where did it go?, oh cute, what's that?
I love that he understands voice inflections and tones. It is the cutest little thing to hear his pip squeaking voice get so stinking high asking "whereo?" (where did it go) while having both hands in the air asking with uncertainty. So many things he says I wish I could get on video but I don't have a lot of time right now, so one day.

He understands pretty much anything we say. He throws away all of his own diapers, understand what it means when we say it's time to eat so he gets in his own chair, gets his shoes when I say it's time to go,  will most times pick up whatever I ask him to (he's still learning where everything goes in this house and adjusting to a new room). Again, it's heavenly to communicate instead of playing the guessing game!

Oh! And he's learned to give hugs!!! The best kind of hugs are little chubby baby arms squeezing surprisingly tight around your neck and just holding you. Melt my heart! We always end days with hugs and kisses and I love it!

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