Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Spokane: Day 3 - Present

We've now been in our duplex for eight or nine days. Everything is rightfully in it's place and unpacked, boxes are flattened and stored, and we feel like this is home when walk through the door. Finally! Ugh, I've been living out of boxes for the past three months and I'm so tired of it. It feels good to be done! Unfortunately, I'm too independent to wait for Lance to get home from work to help me lift and move stuff. I've been a little unkind to my pregnant body and lifted and strained and worked my body to death trying to get everything settled.

Today I had my first OB appointment in Spokane, I think the hospital and doctors we chose will be good. Luckily they do accept Blue Cross of Idaho insurance so I don't have to go to Coeur D'Alene like I was initially told to. My appointment today went well but they are sending me to the high risk specialist for a check up to follow up with the perinatalogist and to make sure we didn't get lost in the shuffle of the move, and that Little Miss is still growing/doing ok.

Kimball has been such a trooper! He did SO WELL on our drive here, did SO WELL for our two day hotel stay, did SO WELL during all of the unpacking and chaos. I'm so blessed with such a well behaved little boy, that might have been because he had free access to all kinds of loose screws, tools, box cutters, cords, chemicals, and who knows what else.

Did I mention Lance is awesome? We had three days with him at home before he had to start his new job and I put him to work! I had to have the washer and dryer hooked up and kitchen somewhat organized and functional before he went back to work. Otherwise we can't survive. He's got to win a medal or something for having to put up with me. Especially putting up with me when I'm pregnant - even I can hardly stand myself right now.

My plans for the next few days is to deep clean. This place needs a serious cleaning all over. And then I can go back to being a stay at home mom and entertain Kimball. We've got a ton of parks and gardens and zoos and fairs and all sorts of other stuff I don't even know about that we need to explore before the weather changes!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We miss you guys! But we are glad you are getting settled in and doing well!