Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Little Everyday MOMents

I've decided to post various and sporadic posts about motherhood called Little Everyday Moments. Because when someone asks me what I did today or what do you do all day or what did you do over the weekend, my usual response is nothing. But in reality, I do A LOT as a stay at home mom. All those diaper changes, feedings, nose wipings, naps, bathing, playing, reading, teaching, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. are the moments that make up my day. I would call them somewhat mundane and repetitive and perhaps even tedious at times. Like the other day I introduced Lance to a new family rule: Always put the lid down on the toilet. Because a certain someone now likes to put toys in the toilet bowl and then fish them out. This has become a rather fun game for him but not for mama. So here's to today's moment: Kimball searches the recyclables box on a daily basis to see what treasures he can scrounge up. Today he found an empty prescription bottle.

1 comment:

Karissa said...

My boys love empty Rx bottles!! We put pipe cleaners in them or gold fish...they love them!!!