Monday, November 5, 2012

Rubber Duck Cake

I started with a greased, floured, and paper-toweled-bottom pan. I don't know why, Christine is the cake expert and I just know that she cuts out a paper towel the size of the cake pan and put its in the bottom of the pan. Probably so it doesn't stick. If that is the reason it works like a charm.
 Not a drop left to taste test the batter.
 The paper towels after the cake has been cooked.
The first cake.
 The frosting was a butter frosting, not my favorite.
 Here is the double layered cake body, with a single layered cake head.
Tada! All finished! I used orange wedge candies for the beak and placed 3 of them on the back for the tail, frosting over it. The eyes are jr mints.
In all, I would say not bad for my first attempt to make a cake aside from a plain 9x13 size.